Requesting Space


For assignment and re-assignments OSM is responsible for analyzing space requests and making recommendations to the Vice Provost of Academic Resources. Our mission is to provide adequate classroom and study space for students, and adequate workspace for faculty, staff, and administrators. We subscribe to the idea that the distribution, assignment, and utilization of space must support the mission of the University, and must be managed for the maximum benefit to the greatest number of individuals and groups. We work closely with nearly every unit campus-wide to assure this mission is accomplished.

Assignment of space is a resource allocation process. To make the best possible use of this fixed, highly visible, but generally scarce resource on a long-term and university-wide basis, space may be allocated to specific departments or units, but is always open to reassignment based on the University's needs and priorities. A cooperative consensus of planners and clients from many venues is involved in space planning whenever possible.


Need more space on campus?

Requests for space come to the Office of Space Management from the College Dean's level. If deemed to be within the purview of Academic Resources, which is assigned the largest proportion of campus space for academic offices and instructional space, OSM will contact the College making the request and work with the unit in assessing their current and proposed space needs. If not within the purview of Academic Resources, the request is forwarded to Physical Planning & Development (PP&D). In most cases, OSM will work with PP&D in analyzing the space request and providing advisement in the utilization of space.

If your department or unit needs more space because of program growth, new grant-funded research, or recruitments, you should start looking first for solutions within space allocated to your department, school, or unit. Only then, if space cannot be found, should you contact OSM.

The process in reviewing your space request may take a few weeks or several months depending on the adverse impacts that may be involved with other departments within or outside of your college or administrative unit. Each space request initiates an audit of the existing space inventory of your department and college to assess the current utilization of offices and labs. It usually also involves multiple meetings that may include your college/unit coordinator, building coordinator(s), and your dean or administrative head to carefully examine the request before final recommendations are given to the Associate Vice President of Academic Resources and the Provost. Final decisions on space allocations or reassignments will be presented with a Memorandum of Understanding detailing the agreement made between the involved parties and the Vice Provost of Academic Resources.

If you have any additional questions on how to submit a space request and the space request process, please contact OSM at 338-3610 or